Monday, June 2, 2008

Baby Gianna Grace LaVanway!!!

All righty everyone - I have another new niece to meet!!! Technically, I don't know too much right now, but I wanted to post on my website before I went to see Janeal and Jay in the hospital. Here is everything I do know as of 9:11 PM on Monday, June 2:

Janeal was up all night last night with slightly painful contractions, but they were about 20 minutes apart, and they stopped this morning, so she didn't take any action. However, about halfway through the day they came back stronger, but still very irregular. So she called her doctor and after talking to the nurse this afternoon, she was told that it could be false labor and to get in a warm bath and drink a big glass of water and if the contractions are still there and painful - then come on to the hospital. She got in the bath about 5:00 tonight (with Jamison running around the house!) and my mom got there at 5:30 to check on her. My mom found her in a lot of pain and with contractions closer to 3 to 5 minutes apart. So - my mom hurried her onto the hospital where Jay met her there straight from work.

At the hospital, she was admitted and checked and she was already dialated to a 7!!! (I know - my sister is stronger than I thought!) So, in the knick of time, she was able to get an epidural (apparently it was a debate on whether or not she could have one - a debate that Janeal was NOT happy about). But, she got one, she is much happier and at about 7:30-8:00 tonight, she was dialated to an 8 1/2. Gianna apparently wasn't down as far as they wanted her though, so they were hoping to wait for a little bit (now that Janeal wasn't in as much pain) and see if she would drop.

So now it is 9:15, and that was the last update I had gotten, so there is a very good chance little Gianna is here already and I just don't know yet! My mom had to bring Jamison home and she just put him to bed, so she is on her way over here and she and I are heading up there. I will bring my camera and get a couple pictures of a little Gianna with a lot of hair! :)

Stay tuned..... updates to come shortly........

1 comment:

Mills Family said...

Yay, she is here. I can't believe Janeal made it all the way to a 7 before getting an epideral she is very strong, I probably would have cried. Oh I can't wait to see the pics.