Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yay for the Cure and Baby Avery!

What a fun-filled weekend - as most people know, Saturday was the Race for the Cure. Well, all the girls (and Pat!) ran it and I am happy to report that Mickele and I ran together and got our best times ever - somewhere between 28.06 and 28.25 minutes (my clock timed it longer than an actual 5k, so we are somewhere in that range) - Yay! Considering the first couple minutes were weaving in and out of the 16,000+ people there to race, that is pretty dang good! (and the fact that is 3 minutes better than my previously fastest time) - Thank you Mickele for kicking my butt and making me go fast and Thank you Jasmine for all the work-outs that make us want to die - but help us out later on! :) It was also very nice to run in celebration of my mother-in-law who is almost a full-year breast cancer survivor and going strong - Yay Carrie! See the picture below...

In other news, baby Avery Grace Johnson was born on Sunday afternoon up in Idaho. She appears to be beautiful and healthy and right now is MUCH calmer than her older brother Hunter ever was. Ryan and Amanda are very happy about that and while I have not seen her yet - I am very excited about my new baby niece! Pictures to come!


janeal said...

YAY, you updated your blog! :) I love the picture of you girls (especially of Pat!). And WAY TO GO on your great 5K time! I'm still so excited for you. I'm going to have to work hard to catch up to you once I can run again.

And congrats to Ryan and Amanda! It'd be nice to see some pictures of little Avery though...

Hey, only 3-4 weeks left (HOPEFULLY!) until I get to post pictures of my little girl! :)

Mills Family said...

Jackie good job on the 5k, i am so glad you had me run with you otherwise i would have been way behind, thanks for pushing me.
Yeah I can't wait to see some pics of little Avery.