Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dogs and Ferrets.

One thing I learned today is that my dog (Odie) wants a ferret. Not just any ferret - a white one at Petco in Bountiful. I am not sure what he wants it for, or what he thinks it is - but he loves it. I had another round of dog training tonight with Odie and this time we met at Petco for some additional stimulus. For those of you that don't know - Odie has some stranger anxiety/aggression issues and he is in dog training with my neighbor the dog trainer to try to fix these so that we don't end up with a problem down the road. So - we went to Petco tonight and Odie met the love of his life - the ferret. He loved this thing to the point that we decided to make the ferret the reward for his training because he could care less about the actual scrumptous dog treats that I had - all he wanted was to stare at the ferret, and cry. In fact, when we left, he gave the glass that was separating him and the white ferret a kiss and then cried the entire way home (he laid down in the car and just cried). The ferret did appear to return the love and watched us the whole way out of the store. So, I don't think Odie learned a whole lot tonight, except for the fact that he loves a ferret. On the plus side, 4 new people came up to him and pet him and as long as he was watching the ferret - he couldn't care less (normally this would involve him freaking out and barking very mean-like).

Okay - so enough about that - Someone needs to step up and show me how to do this whole blog thing! I don't even know how to post pictures! Thanks Mickele for finding me - and for the new pictures on your blog - you looked like you had fun at Nascar!

Happy Friday!


Mills Family said...

That is hilarious about your dog, dogs are so funny. okay i will email you on how to add pics and friends.

janeal said...

Jackie, think of how easy you could make things on yourself if you had that ferret sitting in your living room...

And you should post some pictures. When you're creating a post, there's a toolbar somewhere (I think on the top) that allows you to upload pictures.

The Bawden Bunch said...

Hi Jackie! I am so excited to have new blogs to look at!!! Do you think Odie will get a new friend???

Natalie said...

Hi Jackie! This is Natalie Edwards from high school. Crazy. That's so funny about your dog and the ferret. Maybe you need to buy your pet a pet. :)